
The Newport City School System is committed to following Tennessee's compulsory attendance law. Please review the information found on the pages located to the left for more information about truancy, chronic absenteeism, and allowances for extended absences from school.

District Attendance Policy


Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:

Welcome to the beginning of another school year. We hope you had an enjoyable summer break from school and that you have begun another productive school year. This letter is written to stress to you the importance of attending school.

We take compulsory school attendance very seriously. Tennessee law requires that children under age eighteen attend school. It is the parent’s and/or guardian’s responsibility to insist that the child attend school. Truancy is defined as an absence for an entire school day; a major portion of the school day; or the major portion of any class, study hall, or activity during the school day for which the student is scheduled. Make-up work should be completed within three (3) days after the absence. Even authorized absences may become excessive, and if the child is not in school regularly, he or she is missing valuable instruction time.

If a child has more than five (5) unauthorized absences during the school year, the child and parent will be required to appear before the Newport City / Cocke County Truancy Board to review the attendance record and develop an attendance agreement.

Failure to appear before the Truancy Board and/or failure to follow an attendance agreement may result in a petition shall be issued for the child and/or an arrest warrant issued for the parent or guardian to come to court to answer charges. At court you may have the opportunity to mediate the charge with the Youth Services Officers, Jennifer Shelton and the Student Success Coordinator, Lenora Douglas. If you reach an agreement, it will be written into a Truancy Mediation Agreement and be submitted to the court for approval. Children who do not attend school are unruly and may be placed into state custody to receive an education. The parents of these children may be fined and/or incarcerated. Any parent, guardian, or other person who has control of a child or children and who violates the compulsory school attendance law commits educational neglect. Educational Neglect is a Class C Misdemeanor with a maximum punishment of a $50.00 fine and up to thirty (30) days in jail for each day of unauthorized absence beyond the fifth (5th) unauthorized absence. In addition, a Show Cause Order for Contempt may be issued for those who have been to court on these same issues in the past.

If your child is expelled from school for any reason, your child is still subject to the compulsory school attendance law, if under the age of eighteen. It becomes the parent’s obligation to obtain and pay for a private educational program for the child. If this is not done, the child may be placed into state custody.

This letter is not intended to single out any person and is not for the majority of parents or their children. It is a reminder to those who do not see the importance of attending school and behaving appropriately while there.

If you begin to experience a problem with your child attending school, please contact the Student Success Coordinator, Lenora Douglas or the Youth Services Officers, Jennifer Shelton or Martha Newman. They have resources and advice that may be beneficial. It is our goal for children and parents to not be petitioned to court or arrested. We believe in utilizing the preventative measures before the matter goes too far.

May each of you have a safe and productive school year.


Lenora Douglas
Newport City Schools

(423) 623-3811 x328

Jennifer Shelton
Cocke County Juvenile Court

(423) 623-9291


Lenora Douglas
Student Success Coordinator

423-623-3811 x328



Chronic Absenteeism

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We need your help with an important goal for Newport Grammar School this year. We want to ensure that every student attends school every day.

Attending school regularly has a significant, positive impact on your child's academic success-from kindergarten through high school. Even as he or she grows older and more independent, you play a key role in making sure your child gets to school safely and on time every day. For context, most students in Tennessee miss six or less days each school year.

We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But, we also know that when students miss too much school-regardless of the reason-it can cause them to fall behind academically. Absences can add up quickly. Students are less likely to succeed academically if they miss 10% or more of instructional days over the course of the school year (this means missing about two days of school per month or about 18 days per year).

Research shows: 

  • Tennessee students who are chronically absent in kindergarten are 15 percentage points less likely to reach proficiency in either 3rd grade math or ELA.

  • Nationally, four out of five students who miss more than 10% of both kindergarten and first grade are unable to read on grade-level by third grade.

  • The problem continues as students get older. Tennessee students who are chronically absent in 9th grade are 30 percentage points less likely to earn an on-time diploma (62% vs. 92%).

We don't want your child to fall behind in school or get discouraged. Please ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time. Attached are a few practical tips to help support regular attendance.

We want your child to be successful in school. Let us know how we can best support you and your child so that he or she shows up for school on time every day. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact your child's teacher, principal, or school counselor.


Lenora Douglas
Student Success Coordinator
Newport City School System


Lenora Douglas
Student Success Coordinator

423-623-3811 x328




If there are questions about your child's attendance, please contact the records coordinators:

  • For grades K-2, contact Rosa Sutton (423) 623-3811 x325
  • For grades 3-8, contact Lisa Swann (423) 623-3811 x200


Lenora Douglas
Student Success Coordinator

423-623-3811 x328
